The world's fastest growing and most versatile plants : Bamboo -- samuel-Kapona

The Bamboo is one of the worlds fastest growing and most versatile plants. It offers excellent prospects for processing into materials for construction , furniture , musical instruments , bio-fuels ,decorative flower veses.. Etc.

Grown extensively in Africa , but also in the carribean and Pacific regions. Bamboo offers excellent possibilities for income generation with potential for processing into huge range of other products.

As a renewable resource, the plant has few peers. Well-managed plantations can be selectively harvested annually without the destruction of the grove or stand.

Bamboo is a grass which belongs to the Poaceae family as staple cereal crops.

Its woody stems called culms , can reach a height of up to 36m and diametres of as much as 30cm. Some species can grow upto 1m/per day. Bamboo can grow anywhere though this growth also has few Limiting factors which includes the need for adequate supplies of water, though some varieties such as ( Dendrocalamus strictus ), (Bambusa ventricosa ) will tolerate extremes of drought.
Once Established , the plant generally requires little or no attention beyond occasional thining to keep the clumps in vigorous condition ...............

.........To be continued ......

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