Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-- Simon Intijaz

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

for i have passed through the valley of the shadow of a Woman Who nutured and tutored me Bequeathing me with the virtues of Life.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

for i sought first that which i was asked to seek, Sat at the feet of My wise old Man and considered every letter thereof.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For i have slept on carton,Ute(mat) and matress. Lost my grandma at a very confused age And My youth filled with mis-spent events.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For i have you as a token of my Love for a simple Woman My bouquet of flowers of En-gedi.
The Aquifer of my imperfect being.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For I fought for you at the battle fields of love with the arrows of cupid. Four times I lost and won just once .you can Call me Victor.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For i Considered the ways of the ant and tried my best to act wisely brought you up in the ways of my Father above taking the responsibilty of a High priest over my love.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return.

For i fed,clothed,gave shelter to a few many of your siblings i got from the steets.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return

For I strived for all my days to be better than my yesterday and stand up tall above my equals.but today you know the rest of the story yourself.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For now i am old and gray and have long forgotten the smell of my own shit

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return

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