The recent Communal war in Boki Local Government of Cross River State is sad and unwelcoming.we strongly condemn such barbaric act by the people of Nsedop and Bodje villages..
IF In this 21st century such acts still persist, it is sad and does not speak good of us..

The devastation was like what we watched during the Genocides in Liberia, Sudan and others ..
My heart bleeds for the innocent souls that have been killed so far in this war.. We pray the State Governor as the chief security officer of the state brings all those involved to book and never again should such act be done again while we strive to maintain our stands as one of the most peaceful states in the country.
We pray against any re-occurence of what happened in Abi local Government were the People of Ebijakara were driven from their ancestral home by the Ebom community.. Today the The people of Ebijakara in Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State of Nigeria have instituted an action (Suit No. HUG 49 /2010) in the High Court of Justice, Ugep, Cross River State of Nigeria against the Ebom Community in Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State; the Attorney-General of the Federation of Nigeria; the Government of Cross River State of Nigeria; the Inspector General of Police and Abi Local Government Council claiming the sum of N10 Billion over the invasion and sacking of the Ebijakara Community on the 15th January, 2006 in which the entire Ebijakara Community was sacked, burnt and occupied by a militia force mobilized, sponsored and financed by the Ebom Community after the Police Mobile Force stationed in the area to maintain peace and security unexpectedly withdrew from the area few hours before the attack which led to the death of more than two hundred indigenes of Ebijakara.
The Suit which is brought under the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement ) procedure Rules, 2009 and the African Chapter on Human and Peoples Right (Ratification and Enforcement) Act, 2004 the Ebijakara Community alleged that the action of the Ebom people  invading, burning, sacking and occupation of Ebijakara from 15th-17th January, 2006  amounts to ethnic cleanings and genocide which they claim is against the Fundamental Rights  of the Ebijakara people as enshrined in the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria; the African Chapter on human and Peoples Right (ratification & Enforcement) Act and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, 1948..

Recently there has also been a form of unrest between the people of Assiga and their Igbo-imabana neighbours, few lives were lost and we all Thank God for the prompt intervention of both communities and the state Government. Wars are not part of our culture and we should collectively join hands to see towards a peaceful co-existence with one another.
Were is the love amongst us if we can't live and protect ourselves as sisters and brother.

God please touch the hearts of men..


  1. Media reporters on sensitive issues such as this should always endeavour to get their facts right before going to the press. Ebom did not invade Ebijakara, it was Ebijakara that invaded the Ebom Community between 11th - 15th Janaury, 2006. Killing hundreds of unarmed and innocent Ebom indigenes; while fleeing children and abandoned babies were picked up into 'Ghana Must Go' sack bags,tied up and thrown into the middle of the river with no survivals! Hundreds of houses were set ablaze and property belonging to Ebom people stolen. Ebom only defended herself to prevent more casualties and destruction of property. If there is anything like genocide - it is on the part of Ebijakara.

  2. The above comment is the true reflection of what happened as was corroborated by the then ABI LG Council Chairman. Remember, truth is an open matter how hard you fight to suppress it today, it will rise tomorrow like the morning sun!

  3. The first response to this article is the very true reflection of what happened. Ebijakara invaded Ebom first, killed unarmed men and many innocent male children after all the able bodied men left the village for their daily routine farming. Ebom reaction was just a defence strategy to stop further casualties and burning of houses.

  4. So for this there is nothing The government can do about it why is Nigerian government like this at least they should say something or do something about those two village Ebom and Ebijakara

  5. I was at that war in January 2006 that time i was a kid ran for my life 2006 till now if you are counting you get 11 years and government are not ready to say anything about it is unfair ooo

  6. Those saying Ebijakara started it must be from Ebom! Ebijakara only showed u unconditional love by allowikg u stay in her home and u decide to pay her back with evil. Don't worry. We go see who laf last.
