TONY EKOH : He came, saw, fought ....;and then left .-- simon intijaz

This poem is dedicated to Tony of the Ethiopian Republic who just passed on.........


Creasing age and ailments , shall anything halt you ?

if soaked in preserving salve,
if charmed with diet and workout would you stop..?

if bribed with care and comfort would you stop.?

Forcefully you have caused his resignation. knowledge and power admits defeat.

An icon unaccopanied had to depart Supine he was laid arms tucked to the sides,

then came kaleidoscopic expression of grief; wailing,groaning,senseless gibberish, streaming tears,rolling out and tossing, anguish seared our senses...

Helplessly you tossed in pains helplessly we watched futile our medications futile our meditations furtile our petitons,our panics...

Finally honourable you bowed out,abandoning all. your poems, your songs, your drums, your trumpets, your paintings , your dreams , the Rastafarian community.....

Taking only faith,you passed through the dark to another dawn where pleasure and peace borne and...

Off you had faded; age and sickness as bleaching agent

As you walk into the reception there.

Jah Rastafarai !!!!

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