Let's extend the arms of the Season.

The Christmas countdown is on(precisely 4 days to go), and people are shopping, planning festive menus and merrily dashing about.
But the season can wear a different face for some who live alone and have aged(who'd watched their folks and siblings).
Others have spouses who are far away, perhaps on business, or hospitalized.

For these and some other reasons, they seem isolated in this season of family togetherness.Many might have no child(ren) of their own to delight with presents, or no one to visit on Christmas. Some, having accepted a charitable dinner invitation from kind and caring friends, may feel like a fifth wheel on 'the mini-van'. To be candid but not melodramatic, there is something profoundly dispiriting about going from a Christmas Mass to an Auto-mat, and unto a lonely apartment, or looking at the Madonna and Child wishing you have a loving family nearby.

It seems ironic that this season of "joy to the world" can stand as a challenge to us. But with the gift offaith, we can fight self-pity and gloom turning them into an opportunity for grace. In fact, we can think of this season as our special time with Jesus in celebration of His birthday; as a chance for thanksgiving and prayers for a promising New Year.
As we spread that love that Christ came to offer the world, our hearts are lifted up.

Lets not pretend that our hearts don't feel the range of emotions that God designed them to experience. At times like this, perhaps on Christmas morning and New Year eve, we can still be at one with Christ.

We are not just joyfully gazing at Him in the manger, but we sits beside Him in the desert wishing that those stones might turn into bread. Like Him, we hunger and thirst.In this season of "joy to the world," why not engage yourself in the service of humanity by sharing your time, low, other material and non-material gifts with .

Don't squander the opportunity to bask in His warmth. Abide in Him and receive all the gracesthat flows from the manger. As you do so, imagine
His heartbeat emanating from the manger pulsing with love

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Understanding African Fashion --Simon Intijaz

African fashion can be used to show the wearers sense of style, pride in their culture, or even reflect social status.  In Africa, clothing also provides observers with clues regarding the wearers region of origin.  Fashion in Africa is often a combination of the modern and the traditional.

Fabrics with rich and vibrant, colours are used in most clothing designs.  Tie-dye is still a common feature found throughout the African fashion community.  Materials are also important in African fashion.  The material used in African clothing design is light and comfortable, with the quality reflecting the status of the wearer.

Clothing made using silk or other light, fine woven, material are worn by those of higher socioeconomic status.  Often symbols are woven into, or added to, the finished clothing to represent certain virtues that are important to the wearer. Though made of less expensive materials, the clothing worn by those of humbler background are also patterned and brightly coloured.

The beauty of African fashion is ultimately its versatility.  Eye catching designs, and memorable colours, are suitable for all occasions.  When wearing African fashion, an individual has a chance to be stylish while showing their pride in a rich culture.

Invitations to Ugep's 80s and Masked costumes Nite.

Christmas is here again , and its another time to collect images and moments with old colleagues and friends.
Apart from the Calabar Festival, we believe there is a need to put up an avenue for fun and networking from our Roots, and now, That's the idea.
The view suites lounge Ugep in collaboration with INTIJAZ couturé hosts the First ever Ugep 80s and Masked Costumes Nite on the 28th of December 2010.

An event that dictates the pace of fashion, Music, Dance and comedy by showcasing our own trends as well as performance by our own upcoming arts .It aims to give verve to the efforts of Yakurr's best own and an atmosphere for our society to hobnob with their upcoming counterparts all in a bid to bloom.

We humbly use this as a formal invitation to Ugep's First ever 80s and Masked costumes party. Plus ::

The View suites Birthday Bash and The Calabar carnival aftermath:

28th Dec 2010.
7pm -10pm


Dress code is strictly old school 80s.


For mask and costumes call Simon on 08032621312

For table Reservations call Edmond on +2347030459827

For sponsorship : intijazcouture@gmail.com

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-- Simon Intijaz

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

for i have passed through the valley of the shadow of a Woman Who nutured and tutored me Bequeathing me with the virtues of Life.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

for i sought first that which i was asked to seek, Sat at the feet of My wise old Man and considered every letter thereof.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For i have slept on carton,Ute(mat) and matress. Lost my grandma at a very confused age And My youth filled with mis-spent events.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For i have you as a token of my Love for a simple Woman My bouquet of flowers of En-gedi.
The Aquifer of my imperfect being.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For I fought for you at the battle fields of love with the arrows of cupid. Four times I lost and won just once .you can Call me Victor.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For i Considered the ways of the ant and tried my best to act wisely brought you up in the ways of my Father above taking the responsibilty of a High priest over my love.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return.

For i fed,clothed,gave shelter to a few many of your siblings i got from the steets.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return

For I strived for all my days to be better than my yesterday and stand up tall above my equals.but today you know the rest of the story yourself.

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return-

For now i am old and gray and have long forgotten the smell of my own shit

Weep not if i go to the market and do not return

Think Positive.. --Simon Intijaz

There was once a bunch of tiny frogs,who arranged a running competition.The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower,a large crowd had gathered around the tower to watch the race and cheer on the contestants....the race began.
Honestly no one in the crowd really believed that any of the tiny frogs could reach the top of the tower... statements such as:
"Oh,way too difficult!! they will never make it to that top" Or "Not a chance that they will succeed rented d air around them.

The tower is too high!" nor "It's impossible the have no strength to make it to that place".

The shot went off and the race began , soon enough The tiny frogs began collapsing one after the other,except for those who in a fresh tempo were climbing higher and higher and the crowd continue to yell "it's too difficult! No one will make it!" along the line more tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But one continued higher and higher and higher,it wouldn't give up! at the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower, except for the one tiny frog who after a big effort was the only one who reached the top!

"Unbeliveable !

Then all of the other frogs naturally wanted to know how this one was able to make it, a contestant asked the tiny frog how he managed to reach the top,then it turned out that the winner was DEAF!!!

The wisdom of this story is: Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic cause,they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you,,also they kill the strength in you.Always think of the power of words ,Because what you hear and read will definitely affect your thinking and from there it will also affect your actions.

Therefore always be positive and above all be DEAF to those negative thoughts and words that may affect your dreams and aspirations in life for you to be able to achieve greatness.

Always think:

I Can do It,

I Will Make it,

I Will Succeed,

Think Positive.

Share with friends

The world's fastest growing and most versatile plants : Bamboo -- samuel-Kapona

The Bamboo is one of the worlds fastest growing and most versatile plants. It offers excellent prospects for processing into materials for construction , furniture , musical instruments , bio-fuels ,decorative flower veses.. Etc.

Grown extensively in Africa , but also in the carribean and Pacific regions. Bamboo offers excellent possibilities for income generation with potential for processing into huge range of other products.

As a renewable resource, the plant has few peers. Well-managed plantations can be selectively harvested annually without the destruction of the grove or stand.

Bamboo is a grass which belongs to the Poaceae family as staple cereal crops.

Its woody stems called culms , can reach a height of up to 36m and diametres of as much as 30cm. Some species can grow upto 1m/per day. Bamboo can grow anywhere though this growth also has few Limiting factors which includes the need for adequate supplies of water, though some varieties such as ( Dendrocalamus strictus ), (Bambusa ventricosa ) will tolerate extremes of drought.
Once Established , the plant generally requires little or no attention beyond occasional thining to keep the clumps in vigorous condition ...............

.........To be continued ......

Embroidered clothing an overview -- Simon Intijaz

Embroidered clothing an overview

  Embroidered clothing is not only a leading factor in the fashion industry it is also a very cost effective marketing strategy. It creates a good impression of the best quality and latest style in clothing.

Apart from individuals getting drawn towards this fashion, company logos in styles of patches or other designs are widespread across the globe. A variety of clothing is preferred by people of all ages and hence to cater to the growing needs of such fashion oriented masses the garment industry has boomed producing state of the art designs and styles in apparel manufacture and marketing.

One of the best ways of promoting fashion is through embroidery of company logos either by using logo patches or directly embroidering it on the clothing, which most of the time would be T-shirts.

Gents and ladies embroidered clothing is the best and most efficient way of promoting company business not only nationally but also internationally too. Clothing is an all time favorite and a necessity.

Hence it stands out as a significant aspect in the fashion industry globally. Not only is it the best way to advertise, it also brings in revenue by way of sales of the clothing.

The most prominent and popularly marketed embroidered clothing are patches. Patches of various company logos and symbols are embroidered in huge numbers and supplied to thousands of companies requiring their company logo to be advertised on clothing.

They become branded clothing fetching very high rates in the fashion world. Patches are easy to use; they can be simply attached to any piece of clothing of your choice.  Not only advertising a company's product gents and ladies embroidered clothing influences the sectors of work-wear clothing.  The most distinctive and prestigious marketing aspect is embroidered clothing.

It gets recognition through its individual logo that represents art and elegance.Ladies embroidered clothing reflects her personality and status. It also features contemporary fashion of the 21st century. 

People of all ages prefer to wear casual clothing to beat the summer heat. If there is a little contemporary art to this casual wear surely it would go a long way in a fashion world. Wear the best embroidered clothing and enjoy the comfort of casual or formal wear with a reason.

If you are promoting one of the leading brands surely you will be noticed wherever you go. This is the best way to advertise one's products are by embroidered clothing.



A Theology professor was teaching about Anger;He asked his students, "Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?The students thought for a while.

One of them said, because we lose our calm, we shout for that."But why shout when the other person is just next to you?" asked the professor. "Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice?

Why do you shout at a person when you are angry?"The students gave some other answers but none satisfied the professor.

Finally he explained, "When two people are angry at each other, their hearts psychologically distance themselves. To cover the distance, they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will shout to hear each other through that great distance.

Then the professor asked, "What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are psychologically very close.

The distance between them is very small.The professor continued, "When they love each other even more, what happens?

They do not speak, only whisper and they even get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all....

So next time you shout to a loved one, know that you are creating distance between your heart and that person's heart.


THE SHOE SHOP --Simon Intijaz

The shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read BEST DEALS.

He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading LOWEST PRICES.

The shopkeeper was panicked, until he got an idea.

He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop-it read... MAIN ENTRANCE.

I think I'm loving a brain here. Are you ? Have a nice day ...

How we welcomed The Falcons ---simon intijaz

The truck used in picking up the Super Falcons. How disgraceful!

After The Nigerian female National Team, the Super Falcons, won the 2010 CAF Women's Championship that held in South Africa and ended last week. The truck you see above is what the NFF, (Nigeria Football Federation) sent to the airport to pick them up. How they think it's OK to carry these girls in this type of plantain/cow truck is beyond me.*Long hiss*

Oh ! Cosgrams -- simon intijaz

Does this school have an Alumni ??

Fashion Design as a Career -- simon intijaz

Fashion is not a superficial thing.
People work hard on their designs.
Designers consider their work art, and it is taken very seriously.
So, what does it take to become a fashion designer?
Let's find out...
Gharara Styles

     Doctors! Scientists! Engineers! These are three common career choices of most African families. But with such a huge generations clash we notice significant changes occurring in African lifestyles. One change in particular is having the independence to decide what to do with one’s life.
Everyone knows how African parents are very restrictive when it comes to career choices. To them any career option outside the field of medicine or science is considered completely “unacceptable.” Today, African teens are breaking their barriers and pursuing careers of their choice.

     YaQur had the opportunity to get some insight about a career that has caught the attention of many – Fashion Design. Fashion design is the applied art that is dedicated to clothing and accessories that are created within a cultural or social influence of a specific time.

I want to be a fashion designer but how do I get started? Do I go to school? Or should I drop out and find a job at a local boutique? Should I start my own company? Does this sound like you?

Forget your worries and concentrate on the big picture. The first important thing you must do is find out what you want to do in fashion design. Get involved with the industry! Contact someone that’s involved in Fashion Show production and Fashion promotion. Book an appointment with them and ask if you can help out with the next project. This way, you are one step closer.

        One important key aspect of the fashion industry is building contacts. Although many people believe that money is the only way to get into the industry. Despite what they say, money really isn’t everything. Anyone can work their way in to the fashion industry, all they need is to be passionate and talented.
Thus, building contacts is very important. Meeting people at fashion shows, or other fashion related events are a great way to introduce you to other people in the fashion industry. Sometimes having contacts will benefit you because they can help make your big break in the fashion industry.
We spoke to ‘The Urban Fashion Girl’ (TUFG) who is based in California, USA, who gave her views on Fashion Design as a career choice. When asked about her love for the fashion industry, she told us, “I’ve always loved the fashion industry. I see fashion as an art form; not just mere clothing. Designing clothes and styling outfits are my passions.” And added,

“You don’t need to be wealthy to be a part of the Fashion Industry. Fashion is just what I love most. One can have a passion for fashion no matter what their financial situation is.”

Just like any other career, the fashion industry also comes with pros and cons.
The biggest pro of being in this industry is that it allows you to show the world your creativity. The fashion industry lets their designer’s imagination go wild, which is then shown through the designer’s work.

Getting into the business is one con itself, in order to seek the position you wish in this industry, you have to be able to work hard and never give up. Also, when designing anything, a fashion designer’s work must be unique, and not be copied by someone else. In the industry, many get influenced by their favourite designer and sometimes end up designing something that is very similar to what another designer has made.

When TUFG was asked about her approach to unique design, she said, “I am definitely a unique dresser. I think outside the box and mix and match in an unexpected way. I would leave my mark in the industry.
Everyone knows how having a proper education is important. When it comes to making your career choice, make sure you discuss your plans with your parents and friends. After all, all they want is for their children and friends to become successful. Though few may find that the fashion industry is not a steady career choice due to its reputation of being an unreliable industry.

Thus, it’s important to have a backup plan. One can go to university and receive a degree, and still have a passion for fashion. The only difference is that having a degree in a different career will benefit you in the long run.
TUFG strongly agrees and said, “Education comes first no matter what. Getting a great education in spite of my passion for fashion is a personal decision.”
In the end those of you who love fashion and wish to pursue a career should start planning and achieving their goals now. The fashion industry has a lot to offer to those who are strongly passionate about the industry.
Like any other career, in order to reach your desired position in the industry you must work your way up. Contacts can only help you get started the rest is up to you to carry on. Hard work and determination are two things that will get you far in this career.

        TUFG declares that enthusiasm and belief in yourself is important for a career in fashion. and said, “Everyone is entitled to have a career in something they are passionate about.”
Like any other choice, the world of fashion as a career needs to be decisive on your part with the notion that it is not going to be smooth sailing, but a very interesting journey; allowing you to express yourself through your designs and giving someone the pleasure of wearing your creations.

Invitation to the 80th birthday of HRH Obol Ubi Ujong Inah (JP).

You are all cordially invited to the

80th Birthday Anniversary and the public presentation of the book


A chronicle of the life and times of HRH Obol Ubi Ujong Inah (JP).
Obol lopon of Ugep & paramount ruler of Yakurr L.G.A

Theme :
A celebration of examplary Leadership and selfless commitment to community Development.

Date : sat 13 Nov 2010

Venue : Yakurr council Hall.

Time : 9 am



Check out our online publications , recent news and pix on yakurr's online Blog /magazine.


Free downloadable relationship/marriage software applications --simon intijaz

Thank you so much for always making out time to read this Blog I came across this somewhere and decided to share it with you.

A woman writes to the IT Technical support Guy after 2 years of marriage.

Dear Tech Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and I noticed a distinct slowdown in the overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewellery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0. uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as NEWS 5.0, NO MONEY3.0 and FOOTBALL4.1. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6. simply crashes the system.
Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.What can I do?

Signed,_______ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

The IT guy replies few hours later

DEAR Madam,

First, keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme. Html. and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed, Husband1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5..However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Silence 2.5 or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta.Whatever you do,
DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.) In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance.

We recommend: Cooking 3.0 and Good Looks 7.7. Signed.......

Did you enjoy that little conversation ?
Did we learn anything from this?
Relax and go through again try and dicipher all the programms and their versions and you'll be glad to know you just discovered some tips for a healthy marriage. .___________________

Simple thoughts of a simple man : Questions -- simon intijaz

I have just few Questions that may give rise to more questions.

Do you think you have the answers ?
1) Was the Yakurr LGA guest House (one time kopola) Renovated and quickly completed just to house the guests of the bereaved Governor after its foundation was laid since 1990 by Kizito Attah ?

2 ) Can any politician. (south-east especially) forfeit his salary,estacod,allowances,scurvy checkup in germany,convoy,10% contract cut for 4 months ? Even if the reason is for a hike in all of the above perks?

3) can Ibori and all his co bedsheet stainers (am not judging o, most of us are guilty) ..em.....wives....no...women including his (not) ex-wife and lawyer truly be granted a fair trial in the UK ? (whatever happened to our judicial system?)

4 )What is Ubi Arikpo doing as the Ugep urban development Chairman when the grasses and trees along the Ikom/Calabar highway is already struggling the lanes with automobiles ?

5) Did NLC embark on this industrial action to let all and sundry (which starts and ends with politicans) know that internal revenue from labour has no effect on the economy,.....em sorry...allocations ? Seriously cos they're not gonna use the bank (ghana must go dey) , nor fly today(armada is a good substitute,not faster but it'll pass) ,visit the hospital (yaradua of blessed memory has debunked that) , patronize PHCN/NEPA (Heard Aso burns trillions of kobo on diesel monthly) , or even stroll to the streets for that matter in a quest to finding out where all the worker's are holed up today.

6) Must students stay in the university for 6 + x years? Here's a thought,what's the tuition for Havard these days ?....hmmm...kidnapping...bunkering....armed robbery....prostitution....thugery....yahooyahoo....suicide bombing, haba i refuse this last thought 'ka gean ja ' Jesus Name,AMEN! ( (prayer for the day : Oh God if i do am once,i no go do am again.through Christ our Lord I pray,amen)
7) What has happened to the Oka and EGbendum we used to have after every Leboku Festival ?

8) Authority esq,what makes you think when we get there we will not eat of this same fruit in the middle of Eden?
Eve don finish?

9) Nigerian Football Federation,how much option do you have when your interviewees are siasia,siasia,samson siasia,siasia samson and (praise the Lord) Stephen Keshi ? I wonder why Hiddink would prefer to coach turkey and Erikkson will apply for Ghana's job (dont fancy him though), Mourinho suggesting Cote d'vore and all the other top coaches delibrately treat Nigeria worse than Kaita abi seven Lucky kids ? Are they being racists, Isnt a black man the president of US of A ? Mschew...bloody tacticians

10) Torres...... Teves...... but why ? is chelsea your wife's name? Next time use a condom , Aids no dey show for face!

11) Why are all these courts ruling of rigged elections coming after the state in question must have been ruled wrongly by the wrong Governor whose term is almost complete ?

12) Is social networking productive for our Youths ? facebook,2go,morange,twitter etc

13) Must my beloved Community Secondary school. Ugep be allowed to be washed out by Erosion and wind ?
Are you all waiting for me ... Ok wait I dey come
14) Is there anything like true Love and all this bullshit these actors and actresses potray on TV ?
they dont seem to think let alone to trying to practice what they act(preach). I don't want to call names.
15) Do artists have to smoke marijuana to write with inspiration,sing with melody and perform with all that energy?
16) why is dating older men really cool and worthwhile even the easiest way to make some coins but older women an abomination?
(Girls I'm talking to you....yes you.)

17) If i get answers to all these questions does it mean i'l have no questions to ask tomorrow?
18) since God has the script, he obviously knows who will fall from a sixty storey building,whose character will win 2011 and when Dr House will marry Cuddy. please can you ask him if my Grandma is there with him and how she is ?



The Nigerian Campus Fashion Show (NCFS) is an annual fashion event that dictates the pace of fashion by showcasing current fashion trends on its runway as well as the designs of celebrity and upcoming designers.

It aims to give verve to the efforts of Nigerian fashion designers and models.

It also provides an atmosphere for celebrity designers and models to hobnob with their upcoming counterparts all in a bid to bloom the Nigerian fashion industry.

The first edition of the event was held in Enugu on 5th of December 2009 and paraded designers like Cowries, Basigz, Ethnic Flyy, Donna Clothing, Needle Woman etc. It also had performances in-between by music and comedy artistes.
This year's edition is scheduled to hold in Calabar, Cross Rivers state, on the 21st of November.
NCFS 2010 will be a glamorous ceremony that will take place in an outstanding luxury venue, hosting approximately 500 VIP guests and 1000 regular guests.

The stage is to be equipped with 2 giant projection screens, state-of-the-art lighting and special effect equipments, an extended runway, professional sound system and other standard equipment.
The event is tilted to commemorate the 50th year anniversary of Nigeria and thus its traditional Red Carpet will be replaced with a tinge of forest green with white details.
It will run international Designers like Maze couturé (London ) and our own indigenous Designer Intijaz couturé ( Calabar ).

It will also have a modeling contest and prizes will be given out to five outstanding models

The event has been postioned to be the pulse of fashion in Africa.The first edition of NCFS was held in Enugu on the 6th of December 2009.

Preparations are on for the successful hosting of the 2010 edition of the show.

The said edition will include a model contest and prizes will be given to the Top 5 Models .

Time: November 21, 2010 from 4pm to 10pm

Location: Monty Suites City/Town: Calabar

Phone: 07063607101, 08022598020

Event Type: fashion, show

Organized By: NCFS.

Dead Whale in Lagos --- Simon intijaz

Just few days back a dead whale was seen afloat one of the shorelines of lagos

Trust Nigerians , we quickly and happily dissected the dead whale at the sea shore and some persons even had pots and stoves handy.

While some claim the fish is very delicious others say they had stomach upset after eating the fish.

Why una belle no go upset ?
Eeh ? ? !!!!

Look at the picture again. ...

What can you make out of the womans facial expression ?

Na wa oh !!

Meanwhile the Nigerian Labour congress is on a 3 days warning strike.
That leaves us with more petitions to pray for,

Come to think of it,
I think the Heavenly clouds around Naija could possibly be on Strike too because its only here that we've always had more strikes alighned to each other....

NEPA strike!
ASUU strike!
DOCTORS strike!
WORKERS strike!
ATM Strike !!

Oya THUNDER strike!


I love Nigeria
o jare !!


They march out in an impenetrable formation.
Armed to the teeth; battle-ready.
Blood-shot eyes from either the sheer hardness of being soldiers or from marching long distances to the battleground, I don't know which.
They are young and very strong; with very keen eyesight and swift feet.
They move with such intent and drive; passion and purpose; a oneness that defies logic.
They fight an eerie enemy and familiar foe.
He torments their very existence and they are sworn to end his tyranny. They would do this with every pint of blood that flows in their veins. Each soldier is loaded with just the right kind of ammunition; even Kalashnikovs don't come close. I pity them, because the battle conditions are harsh, but is there any war zone that feels like the South of France or the flowing meadows of New England? No.

The line is drawn; the battle-ground: the streets. The enemy is Poverty.
He assails with pangs of hunger that eat beyond the linings of the stomach into the very etchings of the mind.
The street army know him well.
He sneaks into their dreams at night and reminds them of the reality of their misery.
But they would not be defeated!
They rise up each day to fight him with an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction ranging from 'Gala', 'Plantain chips' and 'Pure-water' to 'Recharge-cards' and 'Rat poison'.
In order to asphyxiate the enemy; these soldiers must 'Fire' their weapons by selling them to as many buyers as possible. Firing the weapons can prove Herculean as it sometimes entails chasing automobiles moving at nearly 50 Km/H!

You call them street hawkers; I call them the Street Army. And they are an army indeed; of young men and women with so much life and energy on an ill-fated course. Wasting away; exerting and expending energy that can be harnessed and put to more useful use. The walls of the city are broken and need to be rebuilt but able hands are lacking because able hands are on the streets; fighting.
But do they have a choice?
Their battle will rage on and they will see no respite until they acquire a different cache of armaments; like the potent assault missile called 'Education' and the atomic bomb called 'Mental Illumination'.

The Street Army is in dire need of artillery upgrade; a change in battle-strategy and refocus of fighting-strength. When will the new consignments be delivered?
Who will be the Sun Tzu?
Who will be the Winston Churchill?
How long before the Trumpets of Victory make music? I wonder.

Copyright. O P., 2010.

TONY EKOH : He came, saw, fought ....;and then left .-- simon intijaz

This poem is dedicated to Tony of the Ethiopian Republic who just passed on.........


Creasing age and ailments , shall anything halt you ?

if soaked in preserving salve,
if charmed with diet and workout would you stop..?

if bribed with care and comfort would you stop.?

Forcefully you have caused his resignation. knowledge and power admits defeat.

An icon unaccopanied had to depart Supine he was laid arms tucked to the sides,

then came kaleidoscopic expression of grief; wailing,groaning,senseless gibberish, streaming tears,rolling out and tossing, anguish seared our senses...

Helplessly you tossed in pains helplessly we watched futile our medications futile our meditations furtile our petitons,our panics...

Finally honourable you bowed out,abandoning all. your poems, your songs, your drums, your trumpets, your paintings , your dreams , the Rastafarian community.....

Taking only faith,you passed through the dark to another dawn where pleasure and peace borne and...

Off you had faded; age and sickness as bleaching agent

As you walk into the reception there.

Jah Rastafarai !!!!

In defence of the Dame --- Pamela Braide

 I took some time to actually watch Dame Patience Jonathan, First Lady of Nigeria, speak in public and have come to the conclusion that she communicates effectively once she isn't hobbled by an uncomfortably couched speech.
She addressed the women of a State in the South East (forgive me for not knowing which one) and first reminded them that other states in that region had adopted laws that protect women at state level.
She then pointed out that the rate of kidnapping was high and that as mothers how do you ensure you raise kids that are law abiding when you are battling with injustice yourself? I was blown away and not by the splendiferous "geles" and "asoebi"Dame spoke about women rights.

Dame spoke about a definite achievable goal which is getting a State House of Assembly to legislate on this and while pointing out that it wasn't anything revolutionary since they were one of the last in the region to do so.

Dame Patience referred to the current kidnapping rage in the South East and managed somehow to point out that kidnappers have mothers and clearly these women didn't choose this as a career option for their children.

Dame Patience then points out that by making sure that women's rights are protected the impact on peace and security in the society will be great.

We all know in these parts when a child goes astray the family it is seen as the mother's failure. Dame Patience put the blame squarely back on the society and encourages these women to demand for better laws and seek leadership roles to create the change we need.

Things will get better if women lead and are treated fairly. That this woman(or Dame) linked a current concern back to the issue of women rights and leadership and recommended an action is commendable.

I applauded. So did the women she was speaking to . I think it would have been more useful to women and the society as a whole if the reports of her last few visits managed to amplify the core of her message even if they also laugh at errors but alas no one seems to see past her clinkers. What a shame.
Finally I think her speech writers need to change the approach. Listen to this woman speak on her own and write in a close approximation of her style. Please don't write a speech full of the usual rhetoric and platitudes and then try to dumb it down with smaller words that reduce her to a mumbling automaton. The woman isn't dumb and she is opinionated and personable ; ask Governor Rotimi Amaechi.

Finally (the last finally) Dame Patience, please rehearse and make sure you're comfortable with these speeches and freestyle a bit more. I don't care about clinkers or being PC if there's a message that stands out of the mind numbing politic speech bombarding me daily.

Thus ends my defence of the Dame.

*Thanks to Bill Uko for inspiring this post.

Psalm 23 for Pidgin --- Confide Tawo

Have you ever imagined the pidgin translation of psalm 23 ?
I came across this and after after few crossings and addons I've decided to share this with you.

Enjoy ....

The Lord na my shephard, i dey gidigbaa
E nake me sidon for where betta dey flow and come put me next to stream make mai bodi thermocool.

E panel beat ma soul come spray am white, come dey lead me dey go through express road of righteousness sake of Hin name. Walahi, if i waka pass where arm robber, 419 and juju people plenty, come even join okada reach valley of the shadow of death sef, mai bodi dey inside cloth.

Your rod and staff nko? Na so dem dey like back bone dey comfort me.
You don prepare egusi and pounded yam and plenty-plenty meat, fish and okporoko make i chop. all mai enemies dey look waa waa.

You rub me for head wit vaseline intensive lotion. Mai cup na river Niger wey overflow hin bank.

True true, betta life and mercy go gum mai back till I quench. And man pikin go tanda for God house from lai lai to lai lai.



Did you enjoy it ?


The recent Communal war in Boki Local Government of Cross River State is sad and unwelcoming.we strongly condemn such barbaric act by the people of Nsedop and Bodje villages..
IF In this 21st century such acts still persist, it is sad and does not speak good of us..

The devastation was like what we watched during the Genocides in Liberia, Sudan and others ..
My heart bleeds for the innocent souls that have been killed so far in this war.. We pray the State Governor as the chief security officer of the state brings all those involved to book and never again should such act be done again while we strive to maintain our stands as one of the most peaceful states in the country.
We pray against any re-occurence of what happened in Abi local Government were the People of Ebijakara were driven from their ancestral home by the Ebom community.. Today the The people of Ebijakara in Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State of Nigeria have instituted an action (Suit No. HUG 49 /2010) in the High Court of Justice, Ugep, Cross River State of Nigeria against the Ebom Community in Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State; the Attorney-General of the Federation of Nigeria; the Government of Cross River State of Nigeria; the Inspector General of Police and Abi Local Government Council claiming the sum of N10 Billion over the invasion and sacking of the Ebijakara Community on the 15th January, 2006 in which the entire Ebijakara Community was sacked, burnt and occupied by a militia force mobilized, sponsored and financed by the Ebom Community after the Police Mobile Force stationed in the area to maintain peace and security unexpectedly withdrew from the area few hours before the attack which led to the death of more than two hundred indigenes of Ebijakara.
The Suit which is brought under the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement ) procedure Rules, 2009 and the African Chapter on Human and Peoples Right (Ratification and Enforcement) Act, 2004 the Ebijakara Community alleged that the action of the Ebom people  invading, burning, sacking and occupation of Ebijakara from 15th-17th January, 2006  amounts to ethnic cleanings and genocide which they claim is against the Fundamental Rights  of the Ebijakara people as enshrined in the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria; the African Chapter on human and Peoples Right (ratification & Enforcement) Act and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, 1948..

Recently there has also been a form of unrest between the people of Assiga and their Igbo-imabana neighbours, few lives were lost and we all Thank God for the prompt intervention of both communities and the state Government. Wars are not part of our culture and we should collectively join hands to see towards a peaceful co-existence with one another.
Were is the love amongst us if we can't live and protect ourselves as sisters and brother.

God please touch the hearts of men..

Naija Artists sweeps 2010 Channel O awards---Simon Intijaz

Nigerian artists swept most of the awards of the just conducted Channel O video Awards. The Channel O Africa Music video Awards was held today in Jbourgh south Africa.
The crowd and viewers remained marveled by the flight crew presentation that was unveiled, the crew theme added a pretty cool touch of dustingushed creativity Africans are known for.
Wyre and black tribe had a wonderful performance for their track " Uprising, Turla Tebza did "Raise your voice while sasha,Demo and Themi. Had a splendid performance for " making money".

The categories and winners are :

Afro pop video- D'banj (fall in love )

Group and featured -Psquare (E no easy )

Most gifted East Africa-Obita ft Loyiso(everybody dance)

Most Gifted Hip-hop-Naeto C (Ako mi ti poju )

Most gifted video - 2face(implication)

Most gifted Ragga- Gen Pype(champion )

Wonderful Recognition went to K'naan and he performed Tia via e-presence.

Most gifted south -Pro(sekele )

Most gifted dance - liquid deep (Fairytale )

Most gifted female -Mochedda ft othello(if you want it )

Most gifted male - Black coffee(juju )

MTN most gifted video - Tear gas (party 101 )

Banky W and Djinee were nominated for their "Strong thing" and "over killing" videos but the votes didn't do them justice at all , sorry dudes maybe next time.....

But why did Dbanj and Psquare not show up ? These guys just need to understand that they somehow disappointed their fans and its not healthy to their careers.

I must give Kudos to Channel O and say Well done Naija.

T.I.A (This is Africa )
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

An appointment with Date... --Lokuzo

In the life of men, a date is more than just an ordinary word. There is something mythical , mysterious, morbid and yet fascinating about this word. The society clock runs on a date.
A date is an important appointment for both begining and end. Life is one long stretch of lunar cycles punctuated by dates like convinient milestones.
Life itself sometimes can't be measured without dates.it is the signpost of life towards which we all strive. Life would be more shorter and more brutish if men didn't look forward to something at particula times in life.
By setting a date, man tells himself he is in charge of his life and destiny,
What are your plans and decisions today ?
Build your landmarks and make an appointment with destiny.

One Time Kopola:The new look --simon intijaz

The popular and old Yakurr local government guest house aka one time kopola has finally taken a new shape.the left wing of the multi million naira complex which has been under construction since the early 90's took a new dimension when the ubi itam Ettah administration took the bull by the horns and focus its spread on infrastructural developement.
As at my visit construction , plumbing,painting and wiring jobs were been done and I was notified that they work was on both by day and night to meet up the burial date of Liyel Imoke's mother.
The guest house will house the guest and visitors of the Governor who recently lost his mum, she will be laid to rest at her hometown itigidi on the 6th of Nov 2010.