Let's extend the arms of the Season.

The Christmas countdown is on(precisely 4 days to go), and people are shopping, planning festive menus and merrily dashing about.
But the season can wear a different face for some who live alone and have aged(who'd watched their folks and siblings).
Others have spouses who are far away, perhaps on business, or hospitalized.

For these and some other reasons, they seem isolated in this season of family togetherness.Many might have no child(ren) of their own to delight with presents, or no one to visit on Christmas. Some, having accepted a charitable dinner invitation from kind and caring friends, may feel like a fifth wheel on 'the mini-van'. To be candid but not melodramatic, there is something profoundly dispiriting about going from a Christmas Mass to an Auto-mat, and unto a lonely apartment, or looking at the Madonna and Child wishing you have a loving family nearby.

It seems ironic that this season of "joy to the world" can stand as a challenge to us. But with the gift offaith, we can fight self-pity and gloom turning them into an opportunity for grace. In fact, we can think of this season as our special time with Jesus in celebration of His birthday; as a chance for thanksgiving and prayers for a promising New Year.
As we spread that love that Christ came to offer the world, our hearts are lifted up.

Lets not pretend that our hearts don't feel the range of emotions that God designed them to experience. At times like this, perhaps on Christmas morning and New Year eve, we can still be at one with Christ.

We are not just joyfully gazing at Him in the manger, but we sits beside Him in the desert wishing that those stones might turn into bread. Like Him, we hunger and thirst.In this season of "joy to the world," why not engage yourself in the service of humanity by sharing your time, low, other material and non-material gifts with .

Don't squander the opportunity to bask in His warmth. Abide in Him and receive all the gracesthat flows from the manger. As you do so, imagine
His heartbeat emanating from the manger pulsing with love

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Understanding African Fashion --Simon Intijaz

African fashion can be used to show the wearers sense of style, pride in their culture, or even reflect social status.  In Africa, clothing also provides observers with clues regarding the wearers region of origin.  Fashion in Africa is often a combination of the modern and the traditional.

Fabrics with rich and vibrant, colours are used in most clothing designs.  Tie-dye is still a common feature found throughout the African fashion community.  Materials are also important in African fashion.  The material used in African clothing design is light and comfortable, with the quality reflecting the status of the wearer.

Clothing made using silk or other light, fine woven, material are worn by those of higher socioeconomic status.  Often symbols are woven into, or added to, the finished clothing to represent certain virtues that are important to the wearer. Though made of less expensive materials, the clothing worn by those of humbler background are also patterned and brightly coloured.

The beauty of African fashion is ultimately its versatility.  Eye catching designs, and memorable colours, are suitable for all occasions.  When wearing African fashion, an individual has a chance to be stylish while showing their pride in a rich culture.

Invitations to Ugep's 80s and Masked costumes Nite.

Christmas is here again , and its another time to collect images and moments with old colleagues and friends.
Apart from the Calabar Festival, we believe there is a need to put up an avenue for fun and networking from our Roots, and now, That's the idea.
The view suites lounge Ugep in collaboration with INTIJAZ couturé hosts the First ever Ugep 80s and Masked Costumes Nite on the 28th of December 2010.

An event that dictates the pace of fashion, Music, Dance and comedy by showcasing our own trends as well as performance by our own upcoming arts .It aims to give verve to the efforts of Yakurr's best own and an atmosphere for our society to hobnob with their upcoming counterparts all in a bid to bloom.

We humbly use this as a formal invitation to Ugep's First ever 80s and Masked costumes party. Plus ::

The View suites Birthday Bash and The Calabar carnival aftermath:

28th Dec 2010.
7pm -10pm


Dress code is strictly old school 80s.


For mask and costumes call Simon on 08032621312

For table Reservations call Edmond on +2347030459827

For sponsorship : intijazcouture@gmail.com